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Trang chủ » The 7 most inspirational HR trends in 2020

The 7 most inspirational HR trends in 2020

Technology is evolving by leaps and bounds, and companies must be truly aware of the changes besides the efficiency brought by technology. With these changes, Human Resources will have an enormous challenge in business strategy, which involves adopting new processes and building growth plans for success.

Human resource managers will not only face the adoption of new digital processes, but they will also be primarily responsible for the selection of technology talent, and this will have an impact. affect the recruitment of personnel in the coming years.

Why HR will be the foundational key for companies in 2020?Today we live in an explosive digital environment, which requires organizations to adapt across all sectors to survive and lead the market in a changing global landscape. Research conducted by the European Union, it is estimated that by 2020, an increase in the number of workers with information technology expertise will be much needed in the market. This fact implies that the human resources department has a decisive role in recruiting, training, managing, developing and retaining talent.

Here are the 7 most inspirational HR trends for 2020

1. The team works throughout and the Marketing strategies to attract talent

The working needs of employees are gradually changing, they will find ways to form transformational teams to improve work results by adopting remote working or smart working. 60% of remote workers want their work less if they have to go to the office. They will have a stronger commitment to maximum focus on achieving goals by accepting flexible working hours. The concept of Internal Recruitment to Attract Talent is gaining value, so both HR and Marketing departments must join forces to create recruitment strategies that attract the best talent for the organization.

2. Transparent and timely internal communication tools

Social media is an integral part of everyone’s work environment and personal life. Companies tend to introduce brands to employees through information channels on social networks. They left behind traditional information systems in favor of applications that enable direct, simple, and fluid communication. The trend that is being driven by organizations is communicating with real-time transparency for any decision that affects employees, which helps learners to evaluate employees of each specific level. how to receive new information. There are tools that not only facilitate communication with employees, but also allow organizations to communicate important topics and link them to games that promote employee acquisition of knowledge. pellets easier.

3. Automate the recruitment process and certain HR tasks

Automation will not only be part of the industry’s current production system, but will also be present in recruitment processes to speed up filling of vacancies, as well as some lost tasks. time of departments. Questions like “what day is my payday?” or “how many days off do I have?”…will be answered automatically by a machine. However, is this a threat to the HR position? The answer is not really. Because automation allows more time for other, more weighty tasks and enhances strategies for valuing talent and motivating employees.

4. Application of game technology

HR will design training plans or internal communication programs that not only focus on making a piece of information/knowledge known, but also do so in a dynamic way. members, simpler and more successful. In this way, Gamification will be key in the business strategy contributing to the success of the recruitment and training processes. Many companies will implement game techniques in 2020 to consolidate recruitment and development training communication plans, simplify rough and complex training content, into a new Q&A game. strange and interesting. As a result, employees can easily participate and the company can easily assess their knowledge in real time.

5. Employer branding: A big challenge for businesses

The concept of Employer Branding is not new, it has been around since the 60s in the United States, but until recently, this element has become a big challenge for organizations. But what is Employer Branding? It is the image that an organization has towards its customers, employees, and above all, an image that is appreciated by potential candidates. More and more companies are focusing all their efforts on creating value and competitive advantage through this term. A happy employee is sure to be a natural promoter of the company’s brand.

6. Diversify the workforce

Overall, this trend has been around for many years and will focus heavily on 2020 in organizations. In the same working environment will be present from scholarship holders to external consultants, with remote working days to intensive work sessions. The focus will be on creating your achievements for a value-driven business that takes care of people.

7. People Analysis – Effective use of Big Data

Macro data analysis will be a global trend with great potential, which can be applied to any field. For HR, a people analytics system that explores how employees perform and the factors that affect their productivity and motivation

Conclusion on HR trends 2020

Companies are in the process of constant development. According to the European Commission in 2020, “there will be 750,000 unfilled IT positions”. This means that digital transformation will continue to evolve as an important key to talent management and retention. The ability to adapt quickly and effectively in collaborative models will also be required.

Compiled from blog.atrivity

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