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Trang chủ » Retaining talent by building a highly developed corporate culture

Retaining talent by building a highly developed corporate culture

CEOs worry about losing talent. The Conference Board’s 2019 C-Suite Challenge survey found that attracting and retaining talent is the biggest concern for CEOs around the world. Gallup research shows that hope for career growth is “the number one reason people change jobs today”.

Our research also shows that one of the most effective means of retaining talent is to develop them—your most talented employees who will also leave the fastest, is building a strong cultural foundation. enterpriseization. In fact, we’ve found companies with high-growth cultures generally share four characteristics:

1. High growth culture is often initiated by the CEO and board of directors.

Culture depends on the operating purpose that the CEO initiates. Growth is a support structure for that purpose, so it needs sustained attention and funding from leaders, as well as commitment from employees.

2. A highly developed culture will orient managers to new ways of managing.

Great teams are built by great managers. The best managers have learned that the most effective way to manage and develop individuals is to engage employees, not command and control them.

3. A highly developed culture will create a company-wide communication environment.

Gallup research shows that CHROs specifically train managers on how to develop employee strengths in line with the company’s growth goals. In fact, they have created “communities of champions” for employees to maintain communication, collect best practices, and think about their own growth.

4. Highly developed culture holds managers accountable.

The most engaged companies see recognition as one of the methods for employee development and retention, and they value managers’ ability to attract workers.

First, the best way to build a culture of high growth is to focus on each employee’s strengths, and then to build a potential growth path because everyone will quickly become better at what they do. they were good. This approach will direct managers to the excellent aspects of their employees. And managers who know how to use the strengths of employees will help those employees be more engaged and perform better.

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    • Phí ưu đãi được áp dụng khi Học viên chuyển phí trước ngày khai giảng ít nhất 07 ngày.Ngoài ưu đãi chuyển phí sớm, nếu Quý vị đăng ký theo nhóm sẽ được hưởng thêm “ưu đãi đăng ký nhóm” theo chính sách của GEM Global.

    • Học viên sẽ không được hoàn phí sau khi đã đóng phí tham dự. Tuy nhiên, nếu Học viên muốn dời khóa, vui lòng liên hệ bộ phận Tu Vấn Đào Tạo trước ngày khai giảng ít nhất 3 ngày để được hỗ trợ.

    • Học viên vui lòng sắp xếp dự học đầy đủ các buổi học trong các khóa học. GEM Global chỉ có chính sách học bù cho các chương trình trung hạn với thời lượng trên 14 buổi.

    • Đề cao tính ứng dụng và những chia sẻ thực tiễn cho người học.

    • Học viên sẽ chỉ được cấp “Chứng chỉ Khóa học” hay “Chứng nhận Tham dự“ nếu tham dự hơn 70% tổng số buổi học tại lớp của khóa học đó (nếu vắng trên 30% tổng số buổi học tại lớp thì sẽ không được cấp “Chứng chỉ” hay “Chứng nhận”).

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