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Trang chủ » How to strengthen the partnership between ceo and CHRO (Director of Human Resources)?

How to strengthen the partnership between ceo and CHRO (Director of Human Resources)?

Understanding each other’s requirements and expectations in the relationship between CEO and CHRO is an important factor to create a sustainable connection, respect and trust, thereby promoting business development. If you are a CHRO, in order to strengthen the cooperation with your CEO, you need to consider the following expectations from the CEO:

1. Expand your horizons

If you limit your expectations to the CHRO role as merely paying workers on time and ensuring the best benefits, then you’ve missed out on 90% of the opportunity. Modern leadership models require a CHRO to deliver more than leadership values.

2. Identify the critical skills that CHROs need to lead the business

Leading a department and leading a business require different skills. Today, the CHRO position is in demand with a range of strengths that extend beyond traditional coaching and management skills. One of the key competencies required is the ability to use data and analytical thinking to drive strategy and organizational design. At the same time, the skill of evaluating people is the most important strength that CEOs believe that CHRO always has. In addition, a deep understanding of the organization, as well as the ability to identify the impact of external and internal trends on the business is also important. The CHRO should always be in a position to challenge the status quo of the organization as a true mentor or partner to the CEO and the board. Depending on the differences of each organization, the competency model for CHRO can customize the skills and focus areas to best fit the company and leadership culture.

3. Meet many needs of businesses

The HR function has its roots in administrative work. In many companies today, HR is primarily responsible for activities such as recruitment, labor relations, building payroll and benefits systems. However, the role of CHRO must be further developed because there are many factors in the business that affect business success such as social media, customer-employee activities, employee expectations. about working environment and nature of work… CHRO is a special position that can help the company orient for these factors. If you understand that, it will help the leadership team and the Board of Directors understand it too.

4. Ask the right questions

Ask yourself the questions the CEO always wants to ask you, including: What makes the CEO can trust you? Do you always have a clear vision for the next 3 to 5 years to define a talent management strategy in your business? Do you have a firm grasp of the company’s business dynamics and the industry it’s in? Can you make a connection between your company’s mission, values, and every other aspect of the business? If the answer to any of these questions is no, surely the CEO is expecting more from you.

Source: GEM Global compiled from

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    • Phí ưu đãi được áp dụng khi Học viên chuyển phí trước ngày khai giảng ít nhất 07 ngày.Ngoài ưu đãi chuyển phí sớm, nếu Quý vị đăng ký theo nhóm sẽ được hưởng thêm “ưu đãi đăng ký nhóm” theo chính sách của GEM Global.

    • Học viên sẽ không được hoàn phí sau khi đã đóng phí tham dự. Tuy nhiên, nếu Học viên muốn dời khóa, vui lòng liên hệ bộ phận Tu Vấn Đào Tạo trước ngày khai giảng ít nhất 3 ngày để được hỗ trợ.

    • Học viên vui lòng sắp xếp dự học đầy đủ các buổi học trong các khóa học. GEM Global chỉ có chính sách học bù cho các chương trình trung hạn với thời lượng trên 14 buổi.

    • Đề cao tính ứng dụng và những chia sẻ thực tiễn cho người học.

    • Học viên sẽ chỉ được cấp “Chứng chỉ Khóa học” hay “Chứng nhận Tham dự“ nếu tham dự hơn 70% tổng số buổi học tại lớp của khóa học đó (nếu vắng trên 30% tổng số buổi học tại lớp thì sẽ không được cấp “Chứng chỉ” hay “Chứng nhận”).

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