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Trang chủ » Good leaders must identify 7 types of people around them

Good leaders must identify 7 types of people around them

Identifying the type of people around you and having the right way to deal with them will help leaders exert a stronger influence.

Employees are an essential part of the leadership process. Without good employees, there are no good leaders. Somewhere it has been said that “Leading without anyone following is just walking”. A good leader will not underestimate the power of subordinates. A good leader must understand the importance of employees. They are the driving force behind the success of the organization.
Good leaders must know themselves and understand those around them. Leadership is not a privilege you get yourself, but a privilege bestowed by others. Learn about the types of people around leaders and their motivations that help leaders exert more influence. Here are seven common types of people under leadership:

1. The flatterer – always agree

These people cannot be expected to provide valuable or critical feedback, especially where leadership decisions and actions are in conflict with the organization’s purpose and values. These people never point out the problem and are always silent; they will avoid any confrontational situations and will delay the leader’s work.

2. Criticism – the opposition

The goal of these people is to challenge and pose problems to the leader in all aspects, both professional and personal. They can be classified as disgruntled, perhaps because they are not recognized, not rewarded, or not promoted as they would like or deserve. They are often the first to greet new employees and point out the “hidden corners” of the office.

3. Real people – effective support

These people will provide constructive criticism and actively interact with leaders. If they agree with the decisions, they will support the leadership 100%.
But if they disagree, they challenge the leaders, offering constructive alternatives to help the leader and the organization achieve their goals.

4. Loyal people – always support

They are committed to the company and work hard to support leaders. They are hard-working and very reliable.
They are satisfied with the working conditions, work effectively, have passion and stick with the group. They will work to achieve success by actively giving suggestions.

5. Traitor – not easy to spot

These are the silent and conspiratorial opponents. They are very talented actors that are hard to spot (until it’s too late) because they’ve worked so hard to win the leadership’s complete trust.
They have strong negative feelings about leadership and secretly do things that interfere with leadership.

6. Audience – Observers

They were not on any side and were just watching from the sidelines. They only work for the paycheck and don’t want to be involved or attached to anything.
They are not deeply attached to the organization or the job and always maintain a neutral position with the leaders.

7. The opportunist – not hard to spot

They are people who can be easily bribed. They want to be close to those in power and their loyalty is only to those at the top.

It is not difficult to recognize these people. They will be very active with people and things at times of power transition.

Source: According to Saigon Entrepreneurs

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    • Phí ưu đãi được áp dụng khi Học viên chuyển phí trước ngày khai giảng ít nhất 07 ngày.Ngoài ưu đãi chuyển phí sớm, nếu Quý vị đăng ký theo nhóm sẽ được hưởng thêm “ưu đãi đăng ký nhóm” theo chính sách của GEM Global.

    • Học viên sẽ không được hoàn phí sau khi đã đóng phí tham dự. Tuy nhiên, nếu Học viên muốn dời khóa, vui lòng liên hệ bộ phận Tu Vấn Đào Tạo trước ngày khai giảng ít nhất 3 ngày để được hỗ trợ.

    • Học viên vui lòng sắp xếp dự học đầy đủ các buổi học trong các khóa học. GEM Global chỉ có chính sách học bù cho các chương trình trung hạn với thời lượng trên 14 buổi.

    • Đề cao tính ứng dụng và những chia sẻ thực tiễn cho người học.

    • Học viên sẽ chỉ được cấp “Chứng chỉ Khóa học” hay “Chứng nhận Tham dự“ nếu tham dự hơn 70% tổng số buổi học tại lớp của khóa học đó (nếu vắng trên 30% tổng số buổi học tại lớp thì sẽ không được cấp “Chứng chỉ” hay “Chứng nhận”).

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