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6 techniques to improve problem solving skills

Developing problem-solving skills doesn’t just empower you to make informed decisions. It will also give you more time to prioritize the things that really matter.

You have to improve your problem-solving skills. By identifying the problem you need to solve and thinking of all the ways it can be solved, decisions will become much easier. You should categorize what is important, very important so that you can save time when you are looking for a solution.

Here are 6 techniques you can refer to apply to solve any difficult situation.

Develop a step-by-step approach.

Psychologists and researchers have developed a systematic approach to discover sustainable solutions applicable to any problem. This technique is often referred to as the problem-solving cycle, which begins with problem identification. After all, there can be many problems in a situation, but you can focus on one crucial issue.

After identifying the problem, develop a strategy. Depending on the situation, priorities, and resources, come up with a variety of ideas to choose from.

Organize information: What do you know – or don’t know – about the problem? By gathering as much information as possible, it can increase the chances of a positive outcome being achieved.

Let’s monitor the progress of the solution, evaluate whether it can reach the destination or not. If not, you may need an alternative strategy.

Finally, evaluate the results. Measure whether the solution can meet the goal or not? Is it within the budget? If yes, the solution was successful. If not, try a different approach next time.

Ask solution-oriented questions.

Not being shy about asking questions is an important part of our daily lives. But are you asking the right question?

Let’s say you need more customers. Instead of asking, “Why can’t I get more customers?” Ask solution-oriented questions like “What are three things I can do to set myself apart from my competition?” or “What will I have to do next month to get 10 new customers?”

Change your mindset.

When you see a problem as a burden, you try to avoid it. How many people really want to deal with things that irritate, overwhelm, or feel like impossible to deal with?

However, if you change your mindset to see challenges as ways to grow, you will be less stressed about finding solutions. Moreover, your mind will be relaxed and analyzing problems easier, you will be more flexible to be able to solve problems in the future.

Although changing your mindset to start seeing problems as opportunities doesn’t always happen, it helps you realize that problems are inevitable. The sooner you accept this, the more open-minded you can be to approach any dilemma.

Second, avoid starting with negative thoughts, focus on improvements.. Instead of focusing on possible bad consequences, or focus on the problem to find a solution.

Ask for help.

Put your ego aside, and ask others for help. Even if you can solve problems on your own, working with others can yield fresh ideas and better solutions that you would never have come up with on your own.

But who should you turn to for support? Friends and family are great places to start because they can support and encourage you. Colleagues can give insightful feedback. You can also delegate some of the work to your team, ask a mentor, coach, or someone you admire about how they tackled a similar predicament, and as a reference. surname.

Use your hands

According to the Detroit Lions and astronaut Leland Melvin, learning with our hands, like playing with LEGOs, can spur our brains to problem-solving at an early age.

“When we give kids the freedom to think and create, it really makes sense and it helps them solve a problem on their own, it gives them thinking about how they can become change makers and how they can become scientists or engineers”.

Adults can improve their problem-solving skills by playing Sudoku, or Rubik’s Cubes. You can also play board games with friends or family. I play King of Tokyo with my daughter to help us both think logically and be more strategic.

Take time to reflect and celebrate achievements.

Has your car ever gotten stuck in mud or avalanches? If you keep pressing on the gas, you will only sink deeper. The same goes for when you have to solve a problem.

If you keep trying, you will burn out. Instead, take a moment to pause to clear your mind.

Exercise, meditate, read a book or call a friend. The idea is to do something you enjoy so you can relax, then come back to it with a positive attitude.

Also, take the time to reward yourself for your achievements. It’s a simple way to reinforce the belief that you have what it takes to win any difficult situation. It also gives you the motivation and confidence to tackle problems directly instead of avoiding them.

Regardless of the size of the problem at hand, developing a problem-solving process will not only help you make more informed decisions. It will also help you prioritize your time so you can get back to the things that really matter.

Source: GEM Global translated from

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