Generation Z are people born in 1997 or later, as defined by Forbes. Generation Z has been and is becoming a trendsetting group in all aspects from entertainment, fashion to consumption, having an opposite influence on the Millennial (generation born around 1980-1995). Over the next five years, we have every reason to believe that they will shake things up with new advantages and expectations in the workplace. So don’t get the misconception that because Gen Z employees are younger, they’ll be happy with anything as long as it’s arranged in a favorable way. These employees are ambitious and they expect more from team building activities – this is a real motivator.
Gen Z’s needs in the workplace are different from those of generations before them. For starters, in today’s developed world, a lot of them already have mobile devices, so it’s not necessary to communicate with each other verbally. This changes their expectations about how information is received and exchanged. So simply applying old systems in the workplace will not yield the best results. As more and more Gen Z enters the workforce, it’s important to gain an understanding of their work needs and motivations.
Let’s discuss 5 expectations your Gen Z employees might have.
Gen Z respects and is attracted to authenticity and openness. Transparency, which will show Gen Z employees how their specific efforts will help propel the company towards key goals. This is important because it emphasizes the sense of work in a generation without creating comfort when they simply take jobs and get them done without knowing why. In addition to improving trust and communication, getting them into your company’s direction and operations will help you find more loyal and engaged employees.
Flexibility in work
According to research, flexibility and personal freedom are non-negotiable for Gen Z employees. Flexibility can be expressed through schedules that allow employees to work from home or have a full day of work. at home. Another option is to have flexible working hours. This gives employees more freedom while the company still gets the hours they need without having to stick to the traditional 9am-5pm work schedule.
Flexibility can also be demonstrated by enabling and encouraging Gen Z employees to innovate. They tend to want to find new ways to do things that are contrary to the way they usually do. Employers should give them the right to innovate, to make mistakes, and to learn from them – as long as they can get the job done.
A fair salary
Gen Z is very financially savvy. While working at your company, Gen Z is still looking for other places that can offer them a salary to match their skills. And while this may not always be possible, they are eager to learn and rise through the ranks into positions where they will be able to earn better salaries. In the absence of the salary they want, other employers may offer job perks and benefits that allow their employees to reduce personal expenses.
The love of technology is closely linked to Gen Z employees’ need to work flexibly. The right tools provide flexibility, allowing them to work from anywhere. However, employers should not neglect to equip them with the skills that come with the technology tools on offer. This is especially important if they are dealing directly with customers, whether these customers are online or not.
Social responsibility
According to, being socially conscious ranks very high on the priority list for Gen Z employees. They see themselves as global citizens and therefore feel the need to participate in being able to make the world work. The world becomes a better place. The Gen Z workforce will be attracted to organizations that are making a difference in their communities and globally, and whose mission is related to doing good for society. Your organization can choose a charity to support or engage in voluntary work.
Source: GEM Global Translated and compiled from