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Trang chủ » 3 secrets of employee engagement during the covid-19 pandemic

3 secrets of employee engagement during the covid-19 pandemic

A cohesive and effective labor apparatus is an indispensable core for businesses to overcome difficulties during the epidemic. But how does leadership bring together so many individuals, who differ in the way they think and work, in today’s volatile and fragmented business environment?

A group of personnel with diverse roles, skills, positions, experience… can cope with the current complex business environment. The challenge here is to help individuals work towards a common goal.

Since the outbreak of the epidemic, most leaders have struggled with a series of unpredictable variables while making important and effective decisions. Under Covid-19, so much is happening and changing at breakneck speed, that not everyone can grasp it all.

Systems science has proven that “only complexity can destroy complexity”. In other words, a group of personnel with diverse roles, skills, positions, experience… can cope with the current complex business environment. The leader’s job is to bring this group of people together and weather the storm with them. In the process, leaders can apply the following three secrets:

Get in touch with employees working on the “front lines” to learn what you don’t know

Workers who have direct contact with customers and partners, work in the heart of the market and communicate with many colleagues often hold things that their leaders do not know. A few people will know what businesses have, should and shouldn’t do in these difficult times – these are the information and experience business leaders need to make smart decisions.

Collaborate with staff to create and execute plans

Once you’ve chosen the right people, encourage them to do what needs to be done. This is especially important and difficult because the Covid-19 epidemic is disrupting the current work cycle. Work with your employees to tackle the biggest challenges, uncover new opportunities, confirm what should have been done, and agree on what will be done.

Help employees focus on the right task

In a chaotic environment, it is easy for employees to get distracted and leave their assigned tasks. It is easy for them to feel anxious about work, family or feel isolated when working remotely during the epidemic season. At this point, leaders need to clarify with employees what they need to do, set specific schedules and expectations for employees of the business.

If in the past, leaders could directly meet with employees to discuss, but today, in order to tighten relationships with subordinates, it is imperative to find new ways. If the number of employees is less than 12 people, leaders can take advantage of online meeting platforms such as Zoom or Bluejeans.

With more staff, tools to help contribute ideas to plans and make decisions like Loomio or Ideaflip are suitable options. To enhance the listening to the voice of employees, businesses can also divide labor into small groups, then let these groups meet online to discuss the results together and agree on contributions. and then publicize these ideas in front of the entire company.

Source: GEM Global collected from Forbes Vietnam

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    • Phí ưu đãi được áp dụng khi Học viên chuyển phí trước ngày khai giảng ít nhất 07 ngày.Ngoài ưu đãi chuyển phí sớm, nếu Quý vị đăng ký theo nhóm sẽ được hưởng thêm “ưu đãi đăng ký nhóm” theo chính sách của GEM Global.

    • Học viên sẽ không được hoàn phí sau khi đã đóng phí tham dự. Tuy nhiên, nếu Học viên muốn dời khóa, vui lòng liên hệ bộ phận Tu Vấn Đào Tạo trước ngày khai giảng ít nhất 3 ngày để được hỗ trợ.

    • Học viên vui lòng sắp xếp dự học đầy đủ các buổi học trong các khóa học. GEM Global chỉ có chính sách học bù cho các chương trình trung hạn với thời lượng trên 14 buổi.

    • Đề cao tính ứng dụng và những chia sẻ thực tiễn cho người học.

    • Học viên sẽ chỉ được cấp “Chứng chỉ Khóa học” hay “Chứng nhận Tham dự“ nếu tham dự hơn 70% tổng số buổi học tại lớp của khóa học đó (nếu vắng trên 30% tổng số buổi học tại lớp thì sẽ không được cấp “Chứng chỉ” hay “Chứng nhận”).

    Nhằm nâng cao chất lượng phục vụ, chúng tôi sẽ rất hân hạnh nếu Quý vị có thể chia sẻ cho chúng tôi Quý vị biết GEM Global qua kênh thông tin nào: