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Trang chủ » 3 difficulties in training and development for businesses

3 difficulties in training and development for businesses

Statistics quoted in the Vietnam L&D industry report 2019 through a survey of 400 Vietnamese enterprises show that the budget for training activities ranges from 0.58 to 2.5% of the company’s net revenue. . In particular, the rate of investment in training activities of enterprises with more than 5,000 employees reached the highest figure with a rate twice that of enterprises with less than 500 employees.

There are a number of reasons for this disparity. First, organizations with a large number of employees must invest in personnel training and human development activities to meet the needs of human resources for business plans. Second, large enterprises often have more formal systems and processes. The training activities are organized according to the plan and budget estimate from the beginning of the period, so the training activities are also more methodical and invested.

The disparity is also clearly shown between occupations, especially in the number of personnel in charge of training. In particular, the retail industry has the highest number of training personnel with 12 L&D personnel per 1,000 company employees. Recognized as a fertile land with a lot of potential and room to exploit, the retail industry has recently witnessed the rise of a number of domestic and foreign retailers, creating real competition. excitement for this market.

However, the problem of human resources is a big question in this field when the number of employees annually fluctuates continuously while customer service standards are the key factor creating a competitive advantage. between businesses. This is also the reason why businesses in this industry invest more in recruitment and training activities to meet the guaranteed supply of human resources in both quantity and quality.

Three difficulties when doing L&D

According to statistics, the three difficulties that many businesses face the most include: analyzing training needs closely, assessing the effectiveness of training and building a learning culture. In essence, these are also the three basic elements in the process of operating the training system at each enterprise.

1. In which, analyzing training needs and determining the right training priority level in line with the organization’s business strategy is still a challenging problem for the L&D department.

2. Corresponding to the training needs analysis, the post-training effectiveness assessment process is also a process that generates many problems for the L&D department. The interesting point here is that although the market has many models and tools to support this activity, it has not been applied thoroughly and effectively. It is for this reason that post-training performance evaluation will remain one of the challenges that L&D practitioners need to pay attention to in 2020.

3. Facing the rapid development of the market, building a learning culture is also one of the top priorities of leaders, determining the speed of development of an enterprise. However, encouraging and promoting continuous learning in the organization requires support from both the leadership and staff as well as the professional knowledge of the L&D team. . Therefore, building a learning culture is also one of the biggest difficulties that many businesses are currently facing.

The trend of shifting the L&D industry

In the context of new advances in technology, the modern learning process has changed compared to the past, opening up a more flexible context in training and human development activities. Learning at enterprises in the past was often passive in nature, learners mainly participated in pre-built training programs with a common template for the majority and a one-way approach. According to the requirements of modern educational trends, each person must practice self-direction of knowledge and create a spirit of learning anytime, anywhere. In that context, the L&D department needs to invest more in designing an environment that encourages the learning needs of individuals in the organization, making learning a learner’s own need.

Unlike traditional learning, teachers are not the only ones who provide valuable knowledge and information. They act as facilitators leading, suggesting content based on the needs of the students. Training activities are also flexibly organized according to changes in business plans and factors inside and outside the company instead of being fixed in a less flexible way. Courses are also organized at the moment when the needs arise from students and businesses. Referring to the American Training Association’s model of competency framework for L&D workers, there are a number of professional competencies that require L&D managers to possess, including: L&D department management, talent management & management. knowledge management.

Compiled by GEM Global

Reference source: The Leader

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