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Workplace Trends in 2022

Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, the daily workplace has changed a lot. In the blink of an eye, remote working has become the new norm in 2021, even for employees who have never worked from home a day in their lives. This makes some employees want to go back to the office, while it makes others realize that they never want to return to the office — even when the office has reopened.

On top of that, the Great Resignation event happened in 2021 and changed the workplace forever, leaving companies with no choice but to reassess their hiring and retention strategies. personnel foot. As we enter 2022, many are still trying to find solutions.

So looking into 2022, what will the workplace look like? Here are some trends to look forward to in 2022:


Even as vaccines become ubiquitous, businesses will continue to adopt hybrid or remote-first approaches to their work environments. In fact, 79% of Senior Leaders will allow their employees to split their time between corporate offices and work remotely if their job allows. Digital and location-agnostic workplaces will give employees more freedom and control over their schedules, giving them the power to decide where and when they work. It will also allow companies to save on overheads and free up budgets to focus on other people’s initiatives.

Given the high work-to-burn rate during the pandemic, some employers will let employees work from home indefinitely while others may experiment with a 4-day workweek. Employers that offer work-life balance and radical flexibility in working hours will benefit from higher employee productivity, engagement and satisfaction.


The pandemic has had a permanent impact on remote working. In 2022, the “featured lineup” will include employees from all different regions and time zones. This means recruiters will be able to expand their reach and attract candidates from all over — accessing top talent they never had the chance to access before. Since employees can now apply for jobs no matter where the company is located, this employment trend is also a leading factor behind the Mass Leave event.


Forward-thinking leaders and managers will need to ensure Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Belonging and Accessibility initiatives. ) (DEIBA) is being implemented and enhanced in their organizations. In fact, 79% of companies say they will increase their budget for these initiatives by 2022.

Employees today want to work for companies that prioritize inclusion and innovation, where every individual feels welcome and respected. It’s no surprise that 67% of job seekers rate diversity in the workplace when evaluating potential employers.

Whether it’s recruiting diverse talent, supporting Human Resources Teams, or providing holistic benefits to employees, all 2022 strategies, assessments and solutions should be created with DEIBA is the focus.


With the Mass Leave event running until 2022, companies will have to focus more on employee retention than ever before. Since 73% of employees are contemplating leaving, employers are still questioning what is really needed to keep their workforce motivated, inspired and satisfied.

To avoid employee loss, companies will need to improve their employee retention strategies. While there’s no one-size-fits-all solution, there are a few ways companies can move in the right direction. From emphasizing the importance of performance reviews and career development to recognizing employees more often and encouraging time off, companies should identify what matters most to employees and change their strategy accordingly.

Pay more attention to mental health

Throughout 2021, a topic previously considered taboo for discussion in the workplace has become at the center of conversations: mental health. Due to the sudden change and feelings of isolation caused by COVID-19, many people have struggled with their mental health and well-being. In fact, a KFF follow-up poll conducted in the midst of the pandemic found that 53% of American adults’ mental health had been negatively impacted.

Now as we head into 2022, mental health and wellbeing will – and should – remain a top priority for HR teams and company leaders. Last year, nearly 40% of employers expanded health care benefits, including EAP and mental health services. That percentage is likely to continue to rise this year.

Namely Blog

Compiled and compiled by GEM . Academy of Management

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